
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Malaysia - Petaling Street (Chinatown)

First time I went there was with wife and kid. We trekked to Petaling Street from Central Market, traversed it from end-to-end. The place was not conducive for kid to wander so upon reaching the other end we decided to haggle with teksi driver to bring us back to KL Sentral where our hotel is located. At that time, we didn't know that Pasar seni LRT station was near Petaling Street. We paid 15 RM.

We didn't find anything interesting so my wife and kid went back to Manila without even bothering to have another look at Petaling Street while I was stuck at the hotel for few days waiting for my Dubai flight.

After they left, I knew I need to take a second look to that place for I can't believe that this Chinatown has nothing to offer thus I went back and this time through Pasar Seni LRT station. Upon exiting this station I simply followed the street signs to reach Petaling Street.

Following this sign, you'd initially find Central Market & Kasturi Walk.

Turn right and follow the road until you see this place.

Petaling Street is located opposite of this mall or beside that green footbridge.

Upon entering this arch you will notice the different shops along the side street.

Petaling Street or Chinatown is like a cross-road. Once you reach the center you have an option:


This road will lead you to Hindu and Taoist temples and more shops.


You will find on this road the Tang City Food Court and Chinatown Food Center where you can dine and drink alfresco.


Tang City is similar to Singapore's hawkers. I tried Thai.

Tom yam fried mee hon for 7 RM. Though tasty and full of ingredients the mee hon was dry. My wife also noticed that the "pancit" in Malaysia was dry, unlike our Filipino style saucy "pansit"


The following day, I returned back to try another dish. I ordered black pepper chicken with rice. Again 7 RM for the meal. It was dirt cheap. The SKOL beer was almost double the price, 13 RM. The meal was superb, if not for the beer I would ask for another bowl of rice


Due to shops lining in the middle of the street, there are only two ways you can go through this street, the right and left sides. Both are just a meter width. Any shopper woud find it difficult to haggle due to limitation of space thus it is not easy to simply leave the shop and go to the next one.

Bought Hard Rock Cafe t-shirt for 20 RM. The other shop was asking for 28 RM. This shop initially asked for 25 RM but I knew I could lower it down. I paid 20 RM plus picture taking in front of his shop,LOL.


I bought two sweets (buchi) from this young lad. The buchi was exactly the same with our own pinoy buchi for 80 sents each.

Time to go back to hotel. Traced my way back to Pasar Seni LRT station.

There are many signs and notices about pickpockets and snatching at KL but when I am at Chinatown I feel at ease. In addition, I have observed that you won't find tag price on items being sold at shops at Petaling Street. You need to haggle every time.


  1. Do you still remember the price of the souvenir shirts in Kuala Lumpur?
