
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ate Guy - The Philippines' Superstar

All Filipinos know who is Ate Guy or Nora Aunor. She is the so called Superstar of Philippine entertainment industry. She had been in business for decades and I grew up with her rags to riches story being re-told countless of times by my mother.

I know it would take at least a book to narrate her colorful life thus I would simply post her pictures taken at NAIA Terminal 1 yesterday. Actually, we arrived on the same flight, QR 646, from Doha, Qatar. I believed she transited at Doha International Airport.

She came from Europe where her movie "Thy Womb" is an entry for 69th Venice International Film Festival. She won critics prize for her acclaimed performance on the said movie. She received a Bisato d'Oro Award from the Premio Della Critica Independiente, a jury of independent film critics in Italy. Moreover, the movie received a five minute standing ovation after the red carpet premier.

Here are my shots of our Superstar who has given our country numerous awards and honors in the international movie industry.

Ate Guy with reporters

Ate Guy showing her critics award

a boyish looking Ate Guy

Due to several minutes I spent in photo shoots with Ate Guy, I wasn't able to catch up with the other cast of "Thy Womb". After leaving the impromptu interview group of Ate Guy, I saw a tall and beautiful lady wearing a denim short hurriedly walking towards immigration area. I noticed that some of our Duty Free ladies were taking her picture as well. I queued at the immigration line next to her and I was surprised to see Lovi Poe. Picture taking is restricted within immigration area thus I just simply admire the young and beautiful lady beside me.

After passing the immigration, I raced toward custom area since I didn't have any check-in baggage. I want to take my dinner with my wife hence I didn't bother to wait for Lovi Poe for another set of photo shoot. Further, after covering more than a staggering 15 thousand kilometers journey in span of 5 days, my body is in need of rest due to jet lag and different time zones.

It was already 5 pm and I have 2 hours left before dinner time. Due to rush our traffic, it would be faster if I would take a bus from NAIA 1 to MRT station at Taft Avenue until Cubao where I plan to take another bus going home.

At the exit area of NAIA 1 near the bus and jeepney station, I saw this group waiting for their idol. They have placards and banners welcoming Ate Guy. Truly she is the Superstar of Filipinos.

To add, I remember the late General Angelo Reyes. I was in the same flight with him one time from Dubai to Manila. I had a long conversation with him while waiting at the boarding lounge of Emirates Airways; our flight was delayed for several hours. In fact, after knowing that I am working in oil and gas industry, he asked me to visit him in his office at Department of Energy. Unfortunately, I didn't find time to grant his invitation while he was still DOE secretary.

It is with luck that I have met and talked with some well known Filipinos during my previous trips. However, the most memorable one was when I met Aga Muhlach in the middle of the desert in Dubai; I had a long chat with him and his director Rowell Santiago. It was special because I used to idolize him during my high school days. I have observed that he is an ordinary down-to-earth guy. To read my experience with Aga, you may refer to my earlier post: Wandering Guy Meets Pinoy Explorer

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